Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Burnt (2015)

Director: John Wells. Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, Emma Thompson, Uma Thurman, Alicia Vikander, Lily James. 101 min. Rated R. Drama.

Confession: I'm not a foodie, and to be honest, I find close-ups on food and the food preparation process irritating and annoying; the concept feels superfluous and decadent. But the best food movies use food as a vehicle to illustrate a higher meaning, and Burnt, via great performances, a balanced screenplay introducing multiple complex characters, and a story 'peppered' with surprises (I had to use that word), not only demonstrates a man's destructive strive for perfection, but also shows what you sacrifice and what you don't, to achieve that perfection. Why this splendid movie failed so miserably, is beyond me.

PS: Thank you for the heads up, JZ. And I thought critics were only bad at scoring sci-fi.

PPS: Check out Sienna Miller's amazingly short but prolific career (she's Bradley Cooper's love interest here for the second time, after American Sniper), and how she's only been nominated once, for a mere Golden Globe, for a TV movie. Something's wrong here.

Mo says:

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