Monday, January 16, 2012

The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito) (2011)

Director: Pedro Almodóvar. Cast: Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Jan Cornet. 117 min. Rated R. Spain. Drama/Thriller.

Almodóvar ploughs through gender identity problems and family relationship crises all the time ... but he's really done it this time. Anything I say about this movie's incredible story would be a spoiler, as surprise after surprise hits you. Let's just say Almodóvar uses today's sex-changing technology to its full extent to fool the viewer, and make you think: Does the skin we live in define at all who we are? Watch this, and you're entire concept of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and trans-sexuality will change.

Mo says:


  1. Wow...I was never never able to predict such twists in plot. I was totally shocked and this weird and bizarre concept can be portrait just by Almodovar who is a master of creating wonderment and unexpected events under shadow of sex&fear.One of the worst revenge ,fearful erotic scenes and most horrible devil in movies I've ever!

  2. I want to write something in response, but I just don't know what to write that wouldn't spoil anything!

    Maybe I'll just go and watch the movie again ...
